Saturday, 29 August 2009

Camp 2009 Linnet Clough

Double Click on image to get full size!

Double click on slide-show to access photos, I'll put more on when I can!!


Start Date

Hi Everyone,

Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 8 September 2009!

This term we will be concentrating on Activity Badges, so if you have any favourites, let me know!

See you soon,


Thursday, 28 May 2009

Fire Station Visit

Who let Steven loose with a hose!

Well done everyone!

Thursday, 9 April 2009


Hi All,
I will be proposing that Summer Camp will be at Linnet Clough near Marple (60 miles, nr Stockport), 10/11/12 July.
The cost will be in the region of £35-£40.
All the activities (canoeing/rafting, climbing, archery, high ropes) will have qualified instructors as they will be a little more demanding than Waddecar hence the price increase, but I still think it represents excellent value.
Food and travel costs have increased also.
I will need three volunteers to set up camp on Thursday 9th, and at least 4 for the week-end.
Please let me if your Cub can attend by posting a comment below/email as I will have to book asap to ensure activities and instructors will be available.
Many thanks for your support
ps Angela, Tawd had no instructors!

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Egg Drop and Paper PlaneDrop Outs!

If you did not attend the meeting when we did the Egg Drop you can still complete the challenge by making your egg vehicle using the materials in the previous post below.

Bring it along to a meeting before the end of term to get your tick, and a cream egg if your egg survives!

If you missed the paper plane making, make them using the instructions at

You must make;

1. Helicopter
2. The Rapier
3. The Classic Dart (Pete's)
4. Origami Paper Airplane 3

Bring to a meeting and show to me!


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Creative Challenge - Egg Drop

Next week we will be attempting to create a device that can keep a raw chicken egg intact when dropped from a height.

The materials you will need to bring along are;

1. Egg box
2. Raw Egg (in shell!)
3. Newspaper
4. Plastic carrier bag.

Good luck!

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Promise Challenge

As part of the Promise Challenge each Cub has to find out as much as they can about their six's given person famous for doing their best!

Each six will present their findings to the rest of the pack next meeting.

Yellow Six - Sir Steve Redgrave

Green Six - Lord Baden Powell

White Six - Sir Ranulp Fiennes

Red Six - Florence Nightingale

Good Luck,
